Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 4 - Psalm 4 - Dealt Wonderfully

I return to the Psalms tonight. Interestingly, Psalm 4, where I left off is a Psalm sung in the evening to the God who can be trusted. I read this  tonight.

One verse stood out to me - verse 3. Needing to understand the context of verse 3, I go back to verse 2 which reveals a cry of frustration from David about those who oppose him.  


.....this little word "Selah" appears. We saw it used in Psalm 3. Translated it means
 "Pause, Crescendo or Musical Interlude".

It's a break in the flow of thought. The song now turns. Something in the "selah" happened and the psalmist changes his tune :-).

Verse 3. "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself;
The Lord hears when I call to Him."

Those words "set apart" can be replaced with the words, "dealt wonderfully with". So it could read...

"But know that the Lord has dealt wonderfully with the godly man;
The Lord hears when I call to Him."

Dealt wonderfully. It's necessary to be reminded that the Lord HAS dealt wonderfully with us. With me. I ashamedly forget that truth too quickly and this again confirms why I need to be in His word. My brain leaks :-) Truth and promises slip out so easily. I then am prone to worry or complain or slip into subtle depression. My perspective changes. My joy fades.

We often wonder or can lose sight of God's goodness when real challenges invade our lives. But.....

......If I am to be truthful, it's more often that I simply lose sight of what a gift this life is and not one to be wasted. I allow myself to sink into boredom because I have pulled back from the purpose and the mystery and the wonder of everyday. I often miss it because I don't exert myself into the joy of the moments and I allow myself to get wrapped in the oh-so-mundane. I get lazy in living the "carpe diem" life. And then I forget that God HAS dealt me a wonderful set of cards and I am in sin if I waste them.

So much I have been blessed with. I've had my discouragements and my troubles. I've walked in disappointment and fear but all in all God HAS dealt wonderfully with me.

I sit today in a lovely home which I have often complained about cleaning. How many people in the world would love to have a solid roof over their heads.

I don't know hunger and then I complain about the number I see on the scale but it is my own choice. I can do something about it and have often failed to act. How many pray for their daily bread with no certainty of where it will come from.

I miss my husband while he is away working but I'm blessed with him and these 3 crazy kids are a reminder of the love we share. How many would long to have even one more day with a loved one who has been taken far too early.

I have gifts and talents and strength to contribute to the world around me. I have often belittled them and held back. I have robbed myself of the joy of being present in this life around me.

When you really DO stop to count your blessings, you can't help but say in the words of the Psalmist, "The Lord HAS dealt wonderfully with me".

I've seen many walk a tough road but what's amazing is that most of the time you don't see that in their smile. They welcome the everyday and courageously embrace it all. 

Maybe they cling to some of these truths....

Verse 4 tell us to... 
(with fear or anger; meaning feel what you feel)

"BUT, do not sin;"
(don't let life turn your heart hard or mean)

(be still, find the center of your life, worship Him, allow the noises to silent)

"in your heart upon your bed"
(your place to find rest, in your heart, not venting to the world)

"be still"
(again, still yourself, your life does not just belong to everyone and everything around you)

"Offer the sacrifices of righteousness;"
(give to God, to those you love, to your world the good within you)

"And trust in the Lord"
(it's all His then. Trust knowing He is moving and working in your life for your good and His purposes)

Today, I confess my tendency to under appreciate my life. To waste time. To not shoot for the stars and to settle in the mediocrity. Life is a gift. Even the word "life" seems so long or vague so to help me, I choose to see each DAY, each MOMENT as a gift. I so fail to do that. And in our days and moments are times of play, laughter, rest, love, work, service, and dreams.

I just read a quote from Annie Dillard...
"How we spend our days, of course, is how we spend our lives."

Living in the truth that God has dealt wonderfully with me brings an entrustment value to my days. He has entrusted me with my life.

May I live it well.

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